About Us

About Us

The Association of Parliamentary Advisors (PDD) is a democratic non-governmental organization founded on the basis of voluntarism by 52 parliamentary advisors serving at the Turkish Grand National Assembly on June 23, 2005. The Association of Parliamentary Advisors is the first and only non-governmental organization throughout the world which was founded in this field.

PDD is governed by an extended executive and consultative board consisting of 28 members, 11 being full members of the executive board, 11 associate members of the executive board, 3 full members of the consultative board and 3 associate members of the consultative board. PDD carries out its activities through the committees that it has set up within its organizational structure.


– Endeavors to enhance the contributions of advisors to the parliamentarians up to the maximum level with the synergy that it has created on solidarity grounds;
– Makes recommendations on the personal rights of advisors, carries out activities aiming at increasing their morale and motivation, and organizes training programmes with a focus on personal development;
– Implements beneficial civil society oriented projects with the consciousness and responsibility of being a democratic non-governmental organization and assumes a crucial role in the establishment and maintenance of participatory democracy.

It engages in activities aiming at creating and raising social awareness on issues such as human rights, democracy, pluralism, good governance and transparency.

It maintains dialogue and conducts projects with parliamentary advisors in foreign countries. PDD is open to collaboration with non-governmental organizations both domestic and abroad within the scope of its objectives.

Some of the activities carried out by PDD are as follows:

– EU Parliamentary Advisors Dialogue Project
– Effective Civil Participation in Legislation Processes Project of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
– Conference on the Role of Non-Governmental Organisations and Voluntary Organisations in the EU Accession Process (presented by Prof. Dr. Mehmet ALTAN)
– Training on Personal Development for Parliamentary Advisors in cooperation with TGNA Directorate of Education
– Implementation Training for Pilot Field Studies of the Project on Participation of Civil Society in Legislation Processes
– Civil Constitution Forum
– Opening Cocktail for the New Legislative Year jointly organised by the Association of Parliamentary Advisers (PDD), Association of Parliamentary Reporters (PMD), Turkish Association of Legislation (YUDER) and Turkish Association of Legislative Experts (YASADER).
– Traditional evening meals during Ramadan
– Consultation Meetings with breakfast
– Visits to the Presidency of the Turkish Republic, Presidency Council of the TGNA and various non-governmental organisations
– Participation in various panels and seminars as speaker
– Participation in TGNA Sports Tournaments particularly of Football and Volleyball as PDD Sports Club.
PDD continues its national and international project activities.